Raman Spectra |
Spectra Products
Nicodom Raman
Library (10160 spectra)
Download (*.pdf) List of spectra for Nicodom Raman
Library (10160 spectra) Download pricelist in pdf. The spectra were collected by Thermo Raman
DXR and NXR instrument. Excitation Laser: 1064nm, 532nm Spectral Range: 4000-100 cm-1 (some spectra
4000-50 cm-1) Resolution: 2cm-1 This is a digital searchable library
available in format directly compatible with your instrument (please specify
the desired data format, contact us if your format is not listed).
The library contains mostly spectra of
organics, inorganic, polymers, dyes and pigments. The typical sample information contains
Chemical Name, Formula, CAS number and Manufacturer. NICODOM Raman Library (10160 Spectra)
contains > 6000 Organic Chemicals > 2000 Inorganic Chemicals rest - application specific samples (e.g.
Polymers, Excipients). Selected Compound Types > 1600 Polymers and Polymer Additives > 600 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Excipients > 800 Dyes and Pigments The rest are smaller groups or they do not
have a special classification Example of other small classes: Art Materials, Suspect Powders, Essential
Oils, Flavours, Fragrances, Biochemicals, Environmental Pollutants, Explosives Toxicity Classification: >3000 samples from this collection were
classified as Hazardous and/or Toxic. Download (*.pdf) List of spectra
for Nicodom Raman Library (10160 spectra) Download pricelist in pdf. |
Raman Spectra Libraries, Raman Spectra
Nicodom Ltd.
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